Major Details and Curriculum
Asian Studies
The major in Asian Studies is a very versatile program that combines easily with the certificates in either Chinese or Japanese and/or a minor in another field of study. Many of the required and elective courses for the major count for the minor and the certificate, enabling the student to get greater mileage out of their coursework.
Major Details
The major in Asian Studies requires 37 credit hours, including:
- 10 credits of second-year Asian languages (ARAB, CHIN, JAPN 2001-2002)
- 6 credits of Methods in Asian Studies (AIST 3050) and Senior Project (AIST 5091)
- at least 6 credits in Humanities (art history, culture, literature, history, religion, etc)
- at least 6 credits in Social Sciences (economics, geography, planning, political science, etc)
Curriculum Planning
1. In their freshman or early sophomore year, students should declare the Asian Studies major online.
2. Students should take the relevant language courses beginning in their freshman year; humanities and social science classes in the freshman through senior years; the methods class (AIST 3050) in the junior year; and the senior project (AIST 5091 or an asia-related senior capstone in another major) in the senior year.
3. At the end of their sophomore and junior years, before registering for the subsequent year’s classes, students should discuss curricular planning with the Asian Studies director.
Further Curriculum Information
These tools assist students to identify course requirements and individual progress toward completion of academic programs. It is important to utilize these resources with personalized guidance from a UC academic advisor regularly to ensure timely graduation.
My Degree Audit - for confirmed and current students
My Transfer Course Equivalencies - for students considering a transfer to UC
UC Schedule of Classes - search course location and instructor for current-semester classes
Course Offerings - search course availability and descriptions for upcoming-semester classes