Graduate Programs

Image of SOC teaching faculty

PhD Program

The Doctor of Philosophy in Sociology provides training for academic and non-academic careers. The department is a vibrant intellectual space, centered in the multiple research projects of our faculty members and students. We specialize in the study of social inequality, specifically in the areas of community and urban sociology, health and medicine, race and ethnicity, and gender and class. We encourage prospective graduate students interested in these issues to join us.  

Completed applications for admission and to be considered for funding (tuition scholarship, health care premium, and living stipend) must be received by January 15th for admission to graduate study for that year's fall semester. For students who have their own funding sources, applications will be reviewed until April 1. If you would like to submit an electronic application for the Sociology PhD Program, visit the UC Graduate School link above. Before you apply, please carefully review the information linked in the “Application Information” section above and the PhD Guide to Graduate Studies document below.  

PhD Guide to Graduate Studies

Recent PhDs

MA Programs

The Master of Arts of Sociology is primarily designed for students for whom the master's is the final degree, but it also serves students who are preparing for a doctoral program. Training and coursework reflects the deparment faculty's interestes in social inequality. More specifically, our faculty focus on community and urban sociology, health and medicine, race and ethnicity, and gender and sexuality. 

Completed applications for admissions must be received by April 1 for fall semester. If you would like to submit an electronic application for the Sociology MA Program, visit the UC Graduate School link above. Before you apply, please carefully review the information linked in the “Application Information” section above and the MA Guide to Graduate Studies document below. Note that there is no funding available for the MA program.

MA Guide to Graduate Studies

Helpful Links and Resources

Resources at UC

Professional Associations

Student and faculty at this year's commencement