Boyce Award Winners
2023-24 Winners
Julia Carlson, Associate Professor, Literary and Cultural Studies
Alecia Beymer, Educator Assitant Professor, Composition and Creative Writing
Joseph Ozias, Graduate Instructor
Mike Yetter, Adjunct InstructorReplace with your text
2022-23 Winners
Aditi Machado, Associate Professor, Poetry
Teresa Cook, Associate Professor, Educator, Professional Writing
David Schwartz, Graduate Instructor
Bryan Williams, Adjunct Instructor
2021-22 Winners
Gary Lee Vaughn, Associate Professor, Rhetoric and Composition
Mary Leech, Educator Assistant Professor, Literary and Cultural Studies
Laura Wilson, Associate Professor, Educator, Professional Writing
Claire Kortyna, Graduate Instructor
Alex Evans, Adjunct Instructor
2020-21 Winners
Tamar Heller, Associate Professor, Literary and Cultural Studies
Felicia Zamora, Assistant Professor, Poetry
Lisa Ampleman, Managing Editor, The Cincinnati Review
Nicolas Molbert, Graduate Instructor
Paige Webb, Graduate Instructor
2019-20 Winners
Philip Tsang, Professor, Literary and Cultural Studies
Cheli Reutter, Associate Professor, Educator, LCS & Medical Humanities
Rhiannon Scharnhorst, Graduate Instructor
2018-19 Winners
Michael Hennessey, Assistant Professor, Educator
Caitlyn Doyle, Graduate Instructor
Emily Rose Cole, Graduate Instructor
Emily Heiden, Graduate Instructor (Honorable Mention)
2017-18 Winners
Kathy Rentz, Professor, Professional Writing
Joyce Malek, Professor, Educator, Rhetoric and Composition
Cheli Reutter, Associate Professor, Educator, LCS & Medical Humanities
Dustin Fisher, Graduate Instructor, Literature and Cultural Studies
Christopher Collins, Graduate Instructor, Creative Nonfiction
2016-17 Winners
Antoinette Larkin, Associate Professor, Professional Writing
Leah Stewart, Professor, Creative Writing
Laura Wilson, Associate Professor, Educator, Professional Writing
Daniel Floyd, Graduate Instructor, Rhetoric and Composition
2015-16 Winners
Ronald Hundemer, Educator/Associate Professor, English
Rebecca Lindenberg, Visiting Professor, Creative Writing Poetry
Ian Golding, Graduate Instructor, Rhetoric and Composition
2014-15 Winners
Kelly Blewett, Graduate Instructor, Rhetoric & Composition
John Drury, Professor, Creative Writing Poetry
Mike Hennessey, Educator Instructor, Creative Writing Poetry
Jim Schiff, Associate Professor, Literary Studies
2013-14 Winners
Lora Arduser, Assistant Professor, Professional Writing
Lisa Beckelhimer, Educator Professor, English Composition
Allison Carr, Graduate Instructor, Rhetoric & Composition
Laura Micciche, Associate Professor, Rhetoric & Composition
2012-13 Winners
Alli Hammond, Educator Associate Professor, English Composition
Trish Thomas Henley, Assistant Professor, Literary Studies
Laura Wilson, Educator Assistant Professor, Professional Writing