Public History
What is it?
Undergraduate students in the “Introduction to Public History” course tour ongoing historic preservation efforts at the Harriet Beecher Stowe House.
Public History is an exciting field which focuses on making history significant and applicable in the public sphere. Public historians may become archeologists, archivists, curators, digital historians, government historians, historic preservationists, museum professionals, and much more. Public historians also apply multiple methods within the historical discipline utilizing many different forms of technology and other resources. Fundamentally, public history is hands-on history and scholars in this field go on to work in academia settings and well-known institutions.
Public History Listserv
Interested in learning more about public history events, internship opportunities, and jobs? We encourage to you join our Public History Listservs:
- Undergraduate Students:
- Graduate Students:
To join, simply follow these instructions. We suggest using an email account that you will have post-graduation as well so you can still receive job announcements. We look forward to seeing you there!
Internships provide students with hands-on history experience. They work with public history organizations across a variety of fields, including archives, cemeteries, historic preservation societies, museums, and national or state parks. Student interns gain valuable professional work experience and skills. Build your resume while having fun with history.
Complete 150 (undergrad) / 200 (grad) hours of work. Under the direction of your internship site supervisor, you will invest the required number of hours toward the completion of your project. Students must track their hours and submit a log of time worked to the Director of Public History every week. All hours must be completed to pass the course.
We offer a variety of courses that both introduce students to the field of public history and allow them to specialize. Keep your eyes out for the following courses:
- HIST 2064: Museums, Documentaries, and Battlefields: How the Public Learns About History
- HIST 2063: Pop Culture and Public History
- HIST 2098: Special Topics in Public History
- HIST 3046: Museums and Collecting
- HIST 3158: Special Topics in Digital History
- HIST 3160: History Internship
- HIST 5110: Public History Practicum
There are 3 main course requirements for the MA in Public History:
- HIST 7064: Introduction to Public History
- HIST 6010: Public History Practicum
- HIST 7066: Internship (200 hrs)
You may also get a PhD Concentration in Public History. In addition to the standard PhD requirements, the public history courses remain the same. Please visit the graduate program page for more info