HR Work Place Lab

Located in Edwards 5145 and supervised by Dr. Furst-Holloway, the Human Resources and Workplace Effectiveness Lab focuses on how to improve functioning at the individual, group, facility, and/or organizational levels of analysis.

The lab provides graduate training through the Psychology Department at the University of Cincinnati, as well as undergraduate development. Participants in the lab learn how to utilize their classroom knowledge for the advancement of research through the university. 

Group of people standing together

Lab photo 2017-2018

Congratulations to our current and recent lab members!

Accepted into graduate school:

Sierra Staten– MA Psychology at UC

Tyra Vason– PhD Psychology at UC

Kyla Price – MS I/O Psychology at U. of Houston – Clear Lake

Da Bologna- Global Lead Assessments – Procter & Gamble

Group of people standing together in front of a few book shelves

Lab Photo 2016-2017