Spanish Business Certificate

To obtain the Business Certificate in Spanish, students must:

  • Complete or place out of the basic-language sequence
    • Spanish 1011, 1012, 1013, 1014 (Extended Basic Spanish) 12 cr.
    • Spanish 1001, 1002 (Extended) 10 cr.
  • Complete or place out of the intermediate-language sequence:
    • Spanish 2015-2016 (Composition and Conversation) 6 cr.
  • Complete the Business Spanish sequence with a B- average or better:
    • Spanish 3021-3022 (Business Spanish) 6 cr.
  • Complete six hours beyond basic Spanish. SPAN 2015-2016 may be used.

Notes: The business certificate is awarded simultaneously with the bachelor's degree. It is now available for non-degree students.

For more information, please contact Dr. Juan Godoy Peñas,, RALL Director of Undergraduate Studies.