Graduate Student Achievements
Recent Graduates
Graduate Student Achievements
Aaron Howell and Amanda Staight, article with Dr. Jeffrey Timberlake
Ciera Graham, book review
Holly Haywood (coauthored article forthcoming)
Fellowships, Grants, Honors, Awards, and Recognition
Paul Anderson, Taft Graduate Enrichment Grant
Jennifer Carter, elected student chair for NCSA
Aaron Howell, URC Summer Fellowship
Elizabeth Sweeney, First place in Student Paper Competition (2010) for Health, Health Policy and Health Services Division of the Society for the Student of Social Problems
Mark Killian, Excellence in Teaching Award
Taft Fellowship
Mark Killian 2012-2013
Jennifer Carter 2012-2013
Amanda Staight 2012-2013
Travis Speice 2011-2012
New Jobs
Aaron Howell, visiting assistant professor at Oberlin College (2011-2012)
Tamika Odum, Director of the Women's Center, Xavier University