Graduate Student Publications
Recent Publications by Graduate Students and Recent Graduates
Bates, Littisha A. and Paul D. Anderson. 2014. "Do Expectations Make the Difference? A Look at Educational Expectations and Academic Performance on College Enrollment." Race and Social Problems.
Bommeraju, Aalap, Melody Hou, Megan Kavanaugh, and Danielle Bessett. 2016. "Situating stigma in stratefied reproduction: Abortion stigma and miscarriage stigma as barriers to reproductive healthcare." Sexual & Reproductive Healthcare.
Bommaraju, Aalap, Jennifer Malat, Jennifer Mooney. 2015. "Reproductive Life Plan Counseling and Effective Contraceptive Use among Urban Women Utilizing Title X Services." Women's Health Issues.
Carter, Jennifer, Erynn Masi de Casanova, David J. Maume. 2015. "Gendering Olympians: Olympic Media Guide Profiles of Men and Women Athletes." Sociology of Sport Journal.
Carter, J.A. 2013. Scientific Motherhood. In The Wiley-Blackwell Encyclopedia of Health, Illness, Behavior, and Society. Oxford, UK: Wiley-Blackwell.
Malat, Jennifer and Kelli Chapman. 2017. "The Effect of Age and Childhood Social Class on Preference for New Healthcare Practices." Sociological Focus50(2): 1-15.
Chapman, Kelli. Day Labor. 2014. In Undocumented Immigrants in the United States Today: An Encyclopedia of Their Experiences. Santa Barbara, CA: ABC-CLIO.
Chapman, Kelli. Domestic Work. 2014. In Undocumented Immigrants in the United States Today: An Encyclopedia of Their Experiences. Santa Barbara, CA: ABC-CLIO.
Chapman, Kelli. Prostitution. 2014. In Undocumented Immigrants in the United States Today: An Encyclopedia of Their Experiences. Santa Barbara, CA: ABC-CLIO.
Rick Phillips and Ryan Cragun. 2013. Contemporary Mormon Religiosity and the Legacy of “Gathering.” Nova Religio 16(3):77-94.
Green, Aaryn and Anulla Linders. 2016. "The Impact of Comedy on Racial and Ethnic Discourse." Sociological Inquiry 86(2): 241-269.
Howell, Aaron J. and Jeffrey M. Timberlake. 2014. “Racial and Ethnic Trends in the Suburbanization of Poverty in U.S. Metropolitan Areas, 1980 to 2010.” Journal of Urban Affairs.
Timberlake, Jeffrey M. and Elaina Johns-Wolfe. 2017. "Neighborhood Ethnoracial Composition and Gentrification in Chicago and New York, 1980 to 2010." Urban Affairs Review.
Bessett, Danielle and Stef Murawsky. 2018. "As Seen on TV: Women's Perceptions of Television's Effects on Pregnancy and Birth Knowledge." Sociology of Health & Illness 40(3).
Purcell, David. 2013. Baseball, Beer, and Bulgari: Examining Cultural Capital and Gender Inequality in a Retail Fashion Corporation. Journal of Contemporary Ethnography 47(3):291-319.
David Purcell. 2013. Sociology, Teaching, and Reflective Practice: Using Writing to Improve. Teaching Sociology 41(1):5-19.
Rosino, Michael. 2013. "ABC-X Model of Family Stress and Coping." In Encyclopedia of Family Studies. Wiley-Blackwell. Forthcoming.
Spiker, Russell. 2013. Mental Health and Marital Status. In Wiley-Blackwell Encyclopedia on Health, Illness, Behavior, and Society. Wiley-Blackwell.
Stooksberry, Jodi N. Cosmetic Surgery. 2014.The Blackwell Encyclopedia of Health and Society. Oxford, UK: Wiley-Blackwell.
Talukdar, Jaita and Annulla Linders. 2013. "Gender, Class Aspirations, and Emerging Fields of Body Work in Urban India." Qualitative Sociology 36:101-123.
Underhill, Megan. Marital Quality of Adult Children and Parental Influence. 2014.Encyclopedia of Quality of Life Research.