Full-Time 2-Year Program

Our program is designed so that full-time students complete their degree in two years.

  • The program requires 33 credit hours. Students take four required courses, a minimum of four electives, and 3 thesis or praxis hours.

Many of our full-time MA students receive a Graduate Assistantship (GA).

  •  This competitive assistantship pays your tuition and provides a $15,776 stipend each year for two years.
  •  All full-time students are considered for a Graduate Assistantship unless you indicate that you are not interested. (See Funding and the Application process for more information).
  • Most GA students teach their own sections of public speaking, and consider it a highlight of their experience. Other GA opportunities sometimes include positions in Marketing or the International Office. If you are interested in one of those opportunities, talk with the Director of Graduate Studies.

For more information about the program, see: