Certificate of Spanish for Service Learning in Social Work & Health Care

(SPAN CERT- SWHC-Social Work and Health Care)


The Department of Romance Languages and Literatures offers several programs for service learning opportunities in which students interact with various communities while using their language skills. These rewarding experiences provide students with occasions to interact with both local and international communities.

The objectives of the Spanish SWHC certificate are:                                                                                    •  Provide students of Spanish with real-life experiences while serving the community.                            •  Provide language and cultural skills for social workers and other health care professionals.              •  Provide students with enhanced resumes and competencies directly related to employment               market gaps and needs.                                                                                                                                •  Foster relationships between the student and the community resulting in possible employment.

Requirements                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              Spanish SWHC Certificate Checklist                                                                                                          This electronic requirement checklist can be completed and used during advising sessions or utilized to track the progress toward your certificate completion.

The SPAN CERT- SWHC-Social Work and Health Care requires 18 semester credit hours.


Required courses – 15 credits 

SPAN 2015 Spanish Composition and Conversation I (min C- required) – 3 credits,   

SPAN 2016 Spanish Composition and Conversation II (min C- required) – 3 credits,  

SPAN 3010 Spanish for Social Work and Health Care Services,   

SPAN 3052 Approved Service-Learning course(s)*- 3-6 credits 

Elective courses – 3 credits 

Must take one 3000- level course (3 credits) from the list: SPAN 3082, 3084, 3002, 3011, 3014, 3032, 3040, 3071, 3072, 3081, 3087, 3088, 3093 

The 6 credits for Service Learning can be satisfied in the following combinations

1.SPAN 3052 (3 cr.) to be taken twice (for 6 cr.) with different assignments (if needed) 

2. SPAN 3053 (3 cr.) and/or a study abroad with a service-learning component (3 cr.) 

3. Other experience: SPAN 3020 Spanish Immersion (3 cr.) 

NOTE: If a student tests out of SPAN 2015 of SPAN 2015 and/or SPAN 2016, the course(s) can be substituted with the completion of any SPAN 3000+ course(s). 

Note that a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.0 is required for all certificate coursework. 

Complete the Declaration of the Certificate online. 

Notes: The certificate is awarded simultaneously with the bachelor's degree for the matriculated students. It is now available for non-degree students. 

For additional information, contact the RALL Director of Undergraduate Studies, Dr. Juan Godoy Peñas, godoyjo@ucmail.uc.edu

Highlighted Courses

SPAN3010  Spanish Social Work & Health

  • This course will develop specific vocabulary and cultural skills necessary to work in social services and health-related fields working with the Latino population. The course has a service-learning component exposing the student to diverse experiences working with this population. The student develops specific projects that benefit agencies, programs, or the Latino population in Cincinnati. The course consists of two 90-minute classes a week and one hour a week of service in the community. This course is taught in Spanish. The credit for this course is applicable to a Spanish minor or a major in Spanish. They are also applicable to the Certificate for Spanish Service Learning for Social Work and Health Care Services. Contact Dr. Juan Godoy Peñas, godoyjo@ucmail.uc.edu, for more information.

SPAN 3052 Service Learning: Medical Spanish

  • Service Learning: Medical Spanish is designed to provide undergraduate language students with the opportunity to assist Spanish-speaking families to communicate in various health care settings as well as in social agencies that work with Latino immigrants in Cincinnati. Students will work weekly with different clinics and social agencies working with the new immigrant population.  The students will assist with education, various programs, and services, non-medical interpretation, and provide a much-needed support system. Contact Dr. Juan Godoy Peñas, godoyjo@ucmail.uc.edu, for more information.

See the testimonial video of UC student, Sarah Geraghty, below.