Procedures in Lab

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  • To visit the lab, please park at the CCM parking garage. You drive in from the CCM circle and walk out towards Edwards Center and the baseball diamond. 
  • We are located in Edwards 1, room 6148
  • If you get lost, call the lab at 513-556-5076 and we gladly meet you directly outside the parking garage or the building. 

  • Parents are encouraged to be present throughout the study. However, the answers the child provides must be arrived at independently in order to maintain the accuracy of our results.
  • Please let us know if you bring other children along who might require babysitting.
  • Our activities usually last about 20 minutes, but there are individual differences within studies and children.
  • All of the games and procedures of our lab have been approved by the Institutional Review Board at the University of Cincinnati. This board ensures that all research practices minimize risk of injury and respect the rights of participants. All information provided by parents and children is kept confidential. 
  • You or your child can stop participating at any time.
  • At the end of the experiment, children receive a small gift and a certificate. If at any point during the experiment the child gets bored or would like to stop playing, he or she will still get the gift.
  • Your child's performance will be combined with the performance of other children. Our studies are likely to be published, but the results will not include information about any specific child. Our newsletter will detail the progress of all studies.